Three Tips For Preventing Your Emergency Generator's Fuel Supply From Causing Breakdowns
Posted on: 30 May 2016
Although there are many maintenance issues that can potentially develop with your emergency generator, a unit that sits still for a long time between uses is particularly vulnerable to breakdowns caused by its fuel supply. Fortunately, in contrast to problems with an electric starter or another part that tends to break down through constant overuse, fuel is a relatively simple and easy resource to manage. Use these three tips to prevent your emergency generator's fuel supply from causing breakdowns.
Always Treat Your Fuel With A Stabilizing Additive Before Storing It
The longer your fuel containers stagnate on a neglected storage shelf, the more opportunities the chemical bonds in your fuel will have to break down. At a certain point, your fuel will be so degraded that your generator won't be able to start with it at all. Even if you can just barely get your unit to start up, low quality fuel that sticks to essential parts inside your machine will cause clogging and eventual breakdowns.
Especially if you can't find a storage area for your fuel that's completely dry, always add a stabilizing additive to your containers before leaving them alone for a long time. You only have to mix a tiny amount of it in to drastically increase the effective life of your fuel.
Always Wait For Your Unit To Cool Down Completely Before Refueling
If it's already really hot out and you're careless during the refueling process, a hot generator exterior could cause any fuel you spill to catch fire, causing damage to the machine and potentially yourself. So whenever your generator suddenly shuts off due to lack of fuel, always wait for a time and run your hand over the exterior before opening the fuel cap. Once you've finished with the refueling process, it also pays to give the surface area around the tank a quick swipe with a cleaning cloth.
Clean Out Your Unit's Carburetor Frequently
A generator's carburetor is what mixes fuel with air in preparation for going into the engine. The carburetor is a very common choke point for calcified fuel to build up in and cause a clog. This is mainly due to water particles mixed in the air stream that stick to the stubborn fuel spots.
Even after you put your generator away, the water will still be there to make the potential problem worse. Therefore, to prevent any unpleasant surprises just when you need the unit most, it's a good idea to remove the carburetor for cleaning before any extended storage period.
Speak to a local generator supplier for additional info.